I started this post to explain the reasons as why to I started blogging, take no digs, and if you do well, unfortunate. I've been following blogs for so long now, probably coming on 2/3 years now; I accidentally discovered, probably through google, and I became enamoured with them, I didn't start a blog straight, but constantly googled/bookmarked the ones I fell in love with, or even the ones I just found interesting. I wish I started this blog a bit earlier as it wouldve be nice to see how I've evolved.
A blog to me represents expression and understanding. I didnt make this blog so I could become famous, I made it because i wholeheartedly love style. fashion is something changes and style is constant, it may appear in different forms , but it will still give you that exuberant, almost envious feeling. It is inspirational, and that why sometimes I feel frustrated when someone says I'm following you, follow me ? I don't follow because you ask me, I follow because I'm genuinely inspired by you. So far, I have followed back though. why? because I would not be so rude in life I feel not the need to be on the internet. If someone leaves me a comment I will reply, its only polite. I understand that the commenting system is flawed so I get email alerts to my bb and it always put a smile on my face when I receive a comment so thank you!
I don't really follow the big, big blogs, or at least I don't subscribe to them, nothing against them they've worked hard to achieve such phenomenal status in the blogging world, but I genuinely enjoys the blogs of girls like me. ordinary girl, how faux elitist do I sound? but I believe there is a different between inspire and aspire - don't quote me on that. Take for example Alexa Chung is aspirational, but Lily, of LLYMLRS is inspirational, you can relate, you how you could achieve such a look. Its not about being a carbon copy, it about being comfortable in your own skin/attires and not trying to be someone else. please remember this is only my opinion.
I tell my mother my blog is private yet I am to share the rest of the interweb, its because whilst I can show you my face my name I can still remain invisible/anonymous. You don't know what ii had for breakfast, my schooling history, what I am like in a mood, you can ask but unless you know me you may not be able to garner a full picture. When you want to be yourself, sometimes anonymity is key. I've always found it hard to express this in real life when I was younger. I always been very good academically( a major ugly duckling!), creative too but more on the academic side. I was told to go to academia so I would have a fall back for fashion. Understandable, but sometimes I wish I've had the confidence to take a chance and not to so painfully shy about some things. A blog provide the perfect platform to alleviate some of this.
Plus I've treated you to capital letters I so know how to use them I just chose not to...