Monday, 10 January 2011


top 25p jumble sale/ coat - thrift/ clutch - primark

Actually bought this blouse 3 months ago at a jumble sale for 25p; I told you I was classy. Though I love the cut out detail on the neck line- it also have billowy bell sleeves; I own a lot of shirts so rather then repeatedly buying the same thing it's important for something to be different, no ?

I find a prefer masculine/ clean/ styling; I'm no Calvin Klein; but I think that reflects my personality. Something a little harder. Its important to have your own style doesn't mean you can't follow trends but at when point your alter ego with have to rest... If not I find people end up fashion victims. Its not about carbon copies. I mean there is no I would wear a peter pan collar. Honestly I will look like I'm playing dress up; it doesn't mean I don't like them it's mean they don't suit and me, and that is probably because they are not my style.

inspire me; how was your weekend?
I bought some new stuff

dress - topshop/ cluthes - primark/ notebook - tk maxx/ purse - primark

The dress is from topshop is real silk and cost me £15 down from £50; probably because no one was buying it! It got such a loose fluid shape that somehow look perfect tailored it hangs in all the place. I wore it out on Saturday night; at first I though belt. Then I thought FUCK DA WAISTBELTS. I admit it does look like a hard colour to wear but its the most insane insane neon pink; perfect.

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  1. I aodre the clutches. and the jacket!!!! Ahhh, it's perfection.

  2. ohh your coat is so perfect! I've been looking for for like that for ages- no luck yet! ha x

  3. Just looking at your blog from the beginning... really liking your style, you look like a model, have you modelled before?

    Just posted an outfit post, nothing special though.


  4. 25p?! Where I live has truly cottoned on to the whole vintage thing and any jumble sales/fairs are so overpriced!
    Love your buys! Gotta have some studs :)

  5. Love the fur coat - you look great! And that shirt? 25p? What a bargain, oh my! Love your blog, im now following :)

    Also love the studded bags!
    Hope you can do the same!

  6. Oh my days that's a lie you look amazing in your pictures..x
